July 22, 2013

Hello everyone

That’s interesting to hear about bro Yager he seems pretty cool now he’s funny and his son James is our bishop now. oh and almost everyone here knows the Chilsons which is kind of cool and it was a little weird to have people tell me oh the Chilsons said you your coming. Oh and the reason why my Facebook status updated was because there was a youth in my last area that did it he thought it would be funny to see what everyone would say about. The biggest difference is the size of the ward we have like 5 or 7 active families and a huge area and the area at least Scott has been tracted at least 10 times this year so we are now trying to work though members. And i do like this area lot it nice even though the ward is small we get feed every day but the bad thing is i might gain weight from it. and i think the thing that i would love to be able to to do is to trian a new missionary but Elder Arend has consider me as his second trainer so that pretty cool it’s still weird to think how long I’ve been out it just weird because I remember when i just came out it seemed like the mission would last forever and now it all of a sudden it doesn’t seem like it been two years and that’s been the hardest part but for them most part I really don’t think about just when ask how long I’ve been out when I got here at first I would tell 21 months then I started saying awhile then Elder Arend would 21 months but I’m working hard and trying not to think about it.

Elder Birch

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